Life, Survival, Death
There is much ongoing work in the field of HIV/AIDS in sub Saharan Africa. In 2005, ARV medication became available and accessible to the people of rural Tanzania. Because of this, the face of HIV changed. People are able to live longer, more productive lives while infected with the Virus. An HIV diagnosis is no longer an imminent death sentence. The Tanzanian government has made great strides in encouraging the communities to test. In November 2007, President Kikwete launched a nationwide testing campaign. Fortunately, many Tanzanians chose to test. Unfortunately, many of these people did not receive adequate counseling and upon receiving their results, disappeared back into the far corners of society and refused to tap into the treatment options available. A predominately Christian society, many heavily relay on faith and are continuing to struggle with the devastating effects HIV/AIDS has had on their communities. Overwhelming wails from funerals and countless numbers of orphans seeking help for basic necessities like food, clothing and education. In 2015, there is still an estimated 1.4 million people living with HIV in Tanzania.